
323終極作品-LV Corner+歐洲街角 | European Street Set

323終極作品-LV Corner+歐洲街角 | European Street Set

323小弟作品中,除風車,Haagen Dazs Cafe 外, 還有另一主角 LV corner. 顧名思議係一座LV的店鋪 此建築物以tan色歐陸式建築主 其中亦加入少許現代、特別及法國式建築物的元素 In my creation “323”, apart from the windmill, the Haagen Dazs store, and the cafe. There is also an LV corner. As the name suggests, it is based on an LV store. It is a tan coloured Continental building. I have added some modern, French elements to it.   […]