JR東海道本線 E211 車系 | JR Tokaido Main Line E211 EMU


Following the September 2010 exhibition of the JR Yamanote Line E231 unit, this was my second attempt at trains.

I have chosen another familiar sight for Hongkongers, the JR Tokaido Main Line. The Tokaido Main Line is a suburbian commuter train running between Tokyo and Atami. It is a common choice for visitors to Mount Fuji. Passengers can also connect to the JR West section of the line onwards to Osaka. JR East has chosen green and orange to represent the line.

I have chosed to model the E211 series, which needed more detail than the last E231 model.

3 cars train set

The front

The train is arriving

The train has been equipped with power function remote control

The train cab

Travel around Japan on JR!

Travelling pass the Zenko-ji